Where to Get Quality CBD Products in The USA (For Beginners)

Herbz Depot

There have been so many scientific terminologies thrown around when discussing CBD. You’ve most likely known by now that it’s “some” highly effective pain reliever.

You’re probably thinking, “ah, yes, that explains why it’s high on demand,” and you may not be far from the truth. In Australia, it’s been approved to sell a low dose of CBD from across the counter! It means you could walk into a pharmaceutical store and order them without any protocols, like a referral or prescription.

So, What Really Is CBD?

CBD, an abbreviated form for ‘Cannabidiol,’ is a substance that occurs naturally. It is found in the cannabis plant or extracted from hemp. A face-to-face discussion will show a raised eyebrow. Yes! It’s found in cannabis, but guess what?! It’s non-intoxicating!

Yea, Right! How’s That Even Possible?

It’s a classroom talk; wear your student hat. There are such things called CB1 receptors found in the brain and the nervous system.

These CB1 receptors need something (usually the Anandamide, one of the chemical messengers the body produces naturally) to bind well with them to activate them. It’s like a socket and a plug. Once these receptors are activated in the brain, people start experiencing those unique feelings we term “highness.” 

It so happens that CBD does not bind well with these CB1 receptors, it’s been found to have a low binding affinity, and therefore, their union is incapable of getting anyone “high.”

However, its close cousin “THC,” Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also a medically helpful substance, binds perfectly with the receptors and gives a psychoactive effect.

If CBD Was “All That,” Why Is ‘THC’ A Part Of The Discussion?

Firstly, you should know that THC is the leading cause of the “highness” in cannabis. However, for the sake of individual preferences, THC may be implored. Also, there are aspects it covers more than CBD. For instance, cases of insomnia, loss of appetite, glaucoma, anxiety, etc. 

Okay, Are They in The Form of Pills or Powders?

In recent times, CBD has been produced in different forms, and even new ones are still being made. Like the suppository and lozenges. However, the most common forms of CBD include:

  • CBD edibles, such as CBD gummies
  • CBD vapes are usually taken by inhalation. 
  • CBD oils
  • CBD creams
  • CBD pills

 The most effective method is dropping the oil beneath the tongue and holding it in for some time before swallowing. It’s the most effective because it boycotts the loss caused by metabolism when it passes through the digestive system. So, it’s absorbed directly by the bloodstream, thereby losing very little. 

However, these other forms are useful, and according to individual preferences, as not many people may like the idea of holding oil in, with your tongue, for some time.

What Are The Right Dosages?

Many factors affect the dosage in every individual. Nonetheless, the most common factors are:

  • The concentration of CBD in the product you’re planning to take. Like the cream or the gummies. 
  • The Health issue you’re taking it for. 
  • How much you weigh. 
  • How your body reacts to/with medical substances. 

These reasons, among many others, make it essential for you to see a doctor before deciding on the amount of CBD to take. However, if you’re going without a prescription, it’s advised that you start small and increase a little at a time and at weekly intervals.

Say you start with 40mg and plan to increase, add 5mg and watch it for a week. Also, be sure to note down observations and effects if you come across knowledgeable people or sites willing to entertain your concerns.

Great! But Does the Law Approve?

The sale of CBD products is music to the ears of many Australians or inhabitants of Australia who can access it without the protocol of prescription and referrals.

Back to our USA; it’s a dicey topic in the US, as some states have passed laws supporting CBD sales and other cannabis-related products like THC, while the Federal is still skeptical about it.

The Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, is supposed to set, state, or issue the specific criteria or regulations involved in selling CBD in 2021. On the other hand, companies figure out ways to control or manage sales according to federal counseling and state laws; to this effect, the senate majority leader, at the federal level, plans to introduce a reform bill that will see to decriminalizing cannabis.

So, how Do I Get Them?

Nielson analysts say that the sale of CBD products may reach $6.9 billion by 2025. You’re already doing the math. It means that shelves are being lined up with CBD products, such as lotions, pills, vape, oils, etc., accompanied by an increasing consumption rate.

It goes without saying that there may be stores that may not only be unqualified but could be selling products that aren’t quite what they are supposed to be.

Asides from knowing state laws as regard to the sale and purchase of CBD and cannabis-related substances, there’s a need to get them from the right shop(s), and you’re in luck because the right shop isn’t far from here; https://herbzdepot.com

Herbz Depot is the perfect store for all things CBD. With Herbz Depot, you’re not only assured of quality products that are tested and true, but you also get updates on new products and developments by being a member. Don’t miss out on this fantastic offer. A click will make all the difference!


JDsupra article “CBD and Hemp Legal and Regulatory

Helbraun Levey article “CBD Rules Out, Cannabis to be Legal in 2021

FDA article “FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD)

Healthline article “Figuring out the right amount for you

Healthline article “CBD vs. THC: Legality

Way of Leaf article “The Best Types of CBD Products” 

Ministry of Hemp article “CBD For Beginners: A Guide To Getting Started With CBD

Healthline article “Can You Get High from CBD or CBD Oil?

Article on Medium, “Why CBD is not intoxicating?

Project CBD article “What is CBD?